
Cheers! I’m Sarah.

I gained my BFA in Graphic Design at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and it was there that I discovered my desire to tell stories. A brand is a story, and my goal is to combine visual design and messaging to tell that story.

For the past 4 years, I have honed my skills working with clients like Wegmans, Proctor & Gamble, Anheuser-Busch, Starbucks, and Coca-Cola. During that time, I was always searching for that client, or project that gave me that spark. I realized that the spark is a deep connection with your why, and your who. Who are you? What are you trying to tell the world? Thats my job, and my why. I seek to establish a deeper connection to your brand that goes beyond the visuals, and communicates your passion to your audience.

Outside of design, I run a blog through Instagram that focuses on craft breweries, wineries, and Upstate New York hot spots! I love my city, and thrive in the creative energy here. There’s so much to see and do, and I’m ready to explore it all! To balance out all of the beer and wine I consume, you can find me lifting questionably heavy weights, and trying to make healthy food taste as good as possible.